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Kakushigoto: My Dad's Secret Ambition

Kakushi Goto is a single father with a secret: He’s a top-selling manga artist of a raunchy series that perhaps isn’t suitable reading material for his young daughter, Hime. So he does what any doting father would do—he hides it all from her, no matter the hijinks that ensue!

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Completed

Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei

Nozomu Itoshiki is depressed. Very depressed. He's certifiably suicidal, but he's also the beloved schoolteacher of a class of unique students, each charming in her own way: The stalker. The shutin. The obsessivecompulsive. The girl who comes to class every day with strange bruises. And Kafuka, the most optimistic girl in the world, who knows that every cloud has a silver lining. For all of them, it's a special time, when the right teacher can have a lasting positive effect on their lives. But is that teacher Itoshiki, a.k.a. Zetsubousensei, who just wants to find the perfect place to die?

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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