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NIHEI Tsutomu

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Tsutomu Nihei's (Knights of Sidonia) breakthrough science-fiction masterpiece is now finally back in print. In a future version of Earth, there is a city grown so chaotically massive that its inhabitants no longer recall what “land” is. Within this megastructure the silent, stoic Kyrii is on a mission to find the Net Terminal Gene—a genetic mutation that once allowed humans to access the cybernetic NetSphere. Armed with a powerful Graviton Beam Emitter, Kyrii fends off waves of attacks from fellow humans, cyborgs and silicon-based lifeforms. Along the way, he encounters a highly-skilled scientist whose body has deteriorated from a lengthy imprisonment who promises to help Kyrii find the Net Terminal Gene, once she settles a score for herself … “The amazing thing about BLAME! is that it’s such a good read even though it has almost no story or characters. It’s all about the art and the experience of being there, of not knowing what will happen next, of the contrast between landscapes of endless sameness and bloody eruptions of chaos and gore.” —Jason Thompson, Manga Encyclopedia

March 6, 2024

NIHEI Tsutomu

Kodansha Ltd.


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Knights of Sidonia

Outer space, the far future. A lone seed ship, the Sidonia, plies the void, ten centuries since the obliteration of the solar system. The massive, nearly indestructible, yet barely sentient alien life forms that destroyed humanity’s home world continue to pose an existential threat. Nagate Tanikaze has only known life in the vessel’s bowels deep below the sparkling strata where humans have achieved photosynthesis and new genders. Not long after he emerges from the Underground, however, the youth is bequeathed a treasured legacy by the spaceship’s coolheaded female captain.

March 6, 2024

NIHEI Tsutomu

Kodansha Ltd.


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BLAME! Academy and So On

BLAME! Academy and So On is a spin-off series of BLAME! set in the same "City" as BLAME! and is a parody / comedy about various characters in the main BLAME! storyline set in a traditional Japanese school environment. Various elements of the main BLAME! story are parodied, including the relationship between Killy and Cibo, and Dhomochevsky and Iko. Irregularly published in Afternoon and compiled as BLAME! Gakuen and So On September 19, 2008, this is its first official English language release in either digital or print.

November 15, 2023

NIHEI Tsutomu

Kodansha Ltd.


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