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Those Not-So-Sweet Boys

Midori drops her wallet on her first day of high school, but her new classmate Ichijo swoops in to help. She wants to thank him, but he’s part of a tight-knit trio, and none of them are ever in class! Rumor has it that they all got expelled for acting up, and studious Midori is actually at risk of expulsion, too… To help support her family, she has a part-time job, which is against the school rules. When the chairman of the school board catches her leaving work, he says he’ll let it go—but only if she’s up to the task of bringing the three boys back to school. Well, why not? It’ll be a piece of cake… right?

June 12, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Love in Focus

Shiho's job is going fine, but she has no lover or friends to hang out with. In the middle of all this, she's been calling for in-home massages as a means to fill the void, when one day she meets a handsome masseur named Toudou. With his delicate touch, he makes her body and mind melt. However, the very next day he shows up at her company ... ? Here's a sexy story of a single office worker and a handsome masseur who fall in love!

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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That Wolf-Boy Is Mine!

After some traumatic experiences, Komugi Kusunoki transferred from the city to start a new life in rural Hokkaido. But on her first day of school, the school heartthrob Yū Ōgami blurts out, “You smell good!” Despite the hijinks, Komugi tries to adjust to her new school, but it’s not long before she stumbles across Yū dozing off under a tree. When she attempts to wake him up, he transformed…into a wolf?! It turns out that Yū is one of many other eccentric boys in her class year–and she’s the only one who knows their secret…!

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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