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Atsumori-kun's Bride-to-Be

Nishiki, who lives out in the countryside, loves studying. But due to the arranged marriage her parents have planned for her, she's finding her hometown a bit cramped. One day, she happens to meet Atsumori, a high schooler from Tokyo. Motivated by his unique sense of values, Atsumori suggests that Nishiki run away with him and get married! Having grown fond of Atsumori, Nishiki decides to chase after him by getting into a high school in Tokyo...?! A new series from Taamo, author of "House of the Sun."

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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House of the Sun

As a child, Mao spent all her time at Hiro’s house across the street. Going to his house always made her feel cheerful. A few years later… Mao’s father gets remarried and Mao finds herself with nowhere to call home. Hiro ends up letting her stay with him in the house he is protecting all by himself since the death of his parents. However…! A love story unfolds between the two childhood friends of different ages!

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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I'm in Love and It's the End of the World

Mahiru Yanase’s twin sister, Mayo, has it all—she’s popular, cute and sweet. Mahiru, on the other hand, has always been the other Yanase. All her life, Mahiru’s reminded herself that every time something good happens to her, something bad comes along to balance it out. She never gets her hopes up…but no sooner does she arrive for her first day of high school than Aoi Satomi, her handsome, mysterious classmate, takes an interest in her—and by the end of the day, he’s already asked her out! If things don’t balance out for Mahiru soon, the world’s going to come to an end! From Taamo, the author of the multi-million-selling smash hit House of the Sun, comes this story of a young girl who’s always seen herself as the negative to her twin sister’s beautiful photograph, and the handsome boy who just won’t give up on her.

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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