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Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode Omnibus

Berry Shirayuki is a completely normal high school girl until she's hit by the Mew Mew beam, giving her the powers of both the Amami Black Rabbit and the Andean Mountain Cat! Berry has superhearing, superspeed, and can leap (small) buildings in a single bound. But her new superpowers come at a price. With their leader Ichigo studying abroad in England, the Mew Mews need Berry's help fighting the remaining chimera terrorizing Tokyo. As if that wasn't bad enough, there's a new gang in town, the Saint Rose Crusaders. They've made it their mission to destroy the Mew Mews, and they're starting with Berry! This omnibus edition collects Tokyo Mew Mew à la Mode volumes 1 & 2!

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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Tokyo Mew Mew Omnibus

On her first date with the cutest boy in school, Ichigo is exposed to a mysterious ray that meshes her DNA with that of the endangered Iriomote wildcat. She soon discovers that she has developed superhuman abilities and enhanced agility. Her new powers are put to the test when she leads a team with four other girls, each endowed with special abilities of their own. Together, they must now protect the Earth from an alien menace known as Deep Blue. This omnibus edition contains volumes 1 and 2 of Tokyo Mew Mew. Includes special extras after the story!

December 6, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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