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Kodansha Ltd.

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Alicia's Diet Quest

Use Slime as an exercise ball! A treasure chest as a stair-stepper! Low-calorie herbs as snacks! Powerful weapons, phenomenal magic, and fierce monsters! The beautiful priestess Alicia will try anything and everything in her struggle to lose weight! Cuz before she can defeat the Demon King, she's gotta defeat this accursed blubber!

November 15, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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Attack on Titan Anthology

The manga megahit Attack on Titan, reinterpreted by some of comics’ top talent! Featuring original stories by a long roster of comic superstars such as Scott Snyder (Batman, American Vampire), Gail Simone (Batgirl), Michael Avon Oeming (Powers), Paolo Rivera (Daredevil, Amazing Spider-Man), Cameron Stewart (Fight Club 2, Batgirl) and Faith Erin Hicks (The Adventures of Superhero Girl)! This unprecedented, full-color collaboration between East and West will be released first in English, making it indispensable for Attack on Titan fans and curious comic fans.

November 15, 2023


Scott Snyder,Gail Simone,Faith Erin Hicks,Tomer Hanuka

Kodansha Ltd.


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Attack on Titan: Before the Fall

A prequel series to the number one bestseller in Japan. Humanity has learned to live in complacency behind its high walls, protected from the giant Titans. But when a Titanworshipping cult opens one of the gates, a Titan wreaks havoc, consuming the cultists. After the rampage is over, two young Survey Corps members are shocked to discover a pregnant woman's partially digested corpse with her baby still alive inside it! What will the fate of this "child of the Titans" be? And how will humanity learn to cope with the Titan threat?

November 15, 2023


SHIKI Satoshi


Kodansha Ltd.


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BLAME! Academy and So On

BLAME! Academy and So On is a spin-off series of BLAME! set in the same "City" as BLAME! and is a parody / comedy about various characters in the main BLAME! storyline set in a traditional Japanese school environment. Various elements of the main BLAME! story are parodied, including the relationship between Killy and Cibo, and Dhomochevsky and Iko. Irregularly published in Afternoon and compiled as BLAME! Gakuen and So On September 19, 2008, this is its first official English language release in either digital or print.

November 15, 2023

NIHEI Tsutomu

Kodansha Ltd.


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Fairy Tail Ice Trail

After a battle with an evil demon, an entire village is laid waste. All perish, except for one boy. Keeping his master’s teachings close to his heart, this lone survivor sets out on a journey westwards in search of new sights and unimaginable power. The boy’s name: Gray Fullbuster. For the first time, experience Gray’s childhood adventures, and follow him down the path that will lead him to Fairy Tail!

November 15, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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Fairy Tail S

For the members of Fairy Tail, a guild member’s work is never done. While they may not always be away on missions, that doesn’t mean our magic-wielding heroes can rest easy at home. What happens when a copycat thief begins to soil the good name of Fairy Tail, or when a seemingly unstoppable virus threatens the citizens of Magnolia Town? And when a bet after the Grand Magic Games goes sour, can Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza turn the tables in their favor? Come see what a “day in the life” of the strongest guild in Fiore is like in nine wacky short stories!

November 15, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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FukuFuku Kitten Tales

Vignettes in the life of a kitten and her doting owner, wherein even the most mundane things appear exciting and fresh.

November 15, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

I Am Here!

Invisible to her classmates, Hikage Sumino is an eighth grader with no self esteem. Her only friends are the visitors to her Internet blog. One day, the most popular boy in the grade suddenly talks to her. Encouraged by this twist of fate, Hikage determines to transform her life. Includes special extras after the story!

November 15, 2023


Kodansha Ltd.


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Spoof on Titan

A spinoff series to the number one bestseller in Japan. Eren and Mikasa enter a new school, Titan Junior High! However, Eren's hated Titans for years. Can he get along with his new (harmless?) classmates? Featuring all of the characters from the main series as you've never seen them before, this series is sure to delight fans of Attack on Titan with a human vs. Titan volleyball match, a Titan rock band, and much more!

November 15, 2023



Kodansha Ltd.


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