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I'll Win You Over, Sempai!

Koharu has lived her young life by her mother's motto: a good woman never gets rejected. But when the most popular guy in school turns her down before she even gets the words out, her whole world comes crashing down ... until Koharu realizes if she keeps confessing, she'll never get rejected! And as an unlikely friendship begins between the two, she's given an ultimatum: he'll say yes when his heart leans 100% towards her! A goofy, assertive, romantic comedy!

January 8, 2025


Kodansha Ltd.


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Knight of the Ice

A rom-com manga on ice, perfect for Princess Jellyfish and Wotakoi fans. Kokoro is the talk of the figure-skating world, winning trophies and hearts. But little do they know… he’s actually a huge nerd! From the beloved creator of You’re My Pet (Tramps Like Us). Chitose is a serious young woman working for the health magazine SASSO. Or at least, she would be if she wasn’t constantly getting distracted by her childhood friend, international figure skating star Kokoro Kijinami! In the public eye and on the ice, Kokoro is a gallant, flawless knight, but behind his glittery costumes and breathtaking spins lies a secret: he’s actually a hopeless romantic otaku who can only land his quad jumps when Chitose is on hand to recite a spell from his favorite magical girl anime!

January 8, 2025


Kodansha Ltd.


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How Do You Do, Koharu?

19-year-old Koharu would rather be livestreaming than working her job at a maid cafe or trying to find a boyfriend out in the wide world. She chats with friends and fans worldwide on her stream and enjoys the freedom the screen grants her. But when one of her followers appears in real life, she senses there might be more to their connection...and maybe she wants something more than a digital-only connection, after all...

January 1, 2025


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

My Best (♀) Butler

Rui would do anything for her younger brother, Kyo—a sensitive boy who became a shut-in after a confession to his male classmate went awry. But she'll need money to care for him, and in a town where the highest of the high are neighborhoods separate from those striving to make ends meet, that's no easy task. Due to her boyish looks, her friend helps her cross-dress to get a job at a host club (of sorts); when her first interaction goes horribly wrong, she thinks it's all over for her...until über-rich boy Tohma saves her. Amused by her story, he makes her an offer she can't resist: Serve as his "male" butler until March of next year, and he'll give her $10,000...but only if her true gender isn't revealed!

January 1, 2025

SOUKO Masaki

Kodansha Ltd.


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That Blue Summer

Rio looked forward to spending her summer vacation in Tokyo, meeting boys, and going out with friends. But after a change of plans forces her to stay the (whole!!) summer with her grandmother in the countryside, she’s devastated…until she meets Ginzo, a handsome, mysterious guy with incredible talent and a hidden past…

January 1, 2025

NAMBA Atsuko

Kodansha Ltd.


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Waiting for Spring

A sweet romantic story of a soft-spoken high school freshman and her quest to make friends, Waiting for Spring will delight fans of earnest, fun, and dramatic shojo like Kimi ni Todoke and Say I Love You. Mizuki is a shy girl who’s about to enter high school and vows to open herself up to new friendships. Of course, the four stars of the boys’ basketball team weren’t exactly the friends she had in mind! Yet, when they drop by the café where she works, the five quickly hit it off. Soon, she’s been accidentally thrust into the spotlight, targeted by jealous girls. And will she expand her mission to include… love?

January 1, 2025


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Completed

I'll Be with Them Again Today

Nao's mother's best friend decided to move into the house next door after her divorce, bringing her son, Kyosuke-kun, who's around Nao's age. She couldn't be more excited when she discovered he was handsome—more so than his little brother, the reticent Tomoyasu. Nao's not sure how to handle the excitement of living next to these handsome siblings, but little does she know, the excitement is just getting started...!

December 25, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Kigurumi Guardians

Hakka Sasakura’s life is about to turn upside-down. She comes home from a day of admiring her student body president to discover that a mysterious creature resembling a man in an animal suit has taken up residence in her home. What’s more, she has been chosen to work with this strange being to fight off invaders from another dimension and save the world…and she has to kiss him to do so?!

December 25, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Completed

Gazing at the Star Next Door

Chiaki is a pretty normal teenage girl. Since they were kids, she's had a thing for her best friend Subaru-who's fast becoming the hottest young actor in Japan! With Subaru threatening to slip away, Chiaki has a decision to make: Will she finally take her shot, or give Subaru up to his adoring public?

November 27, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

How I Met My Soulmate

Yuuki is a 20-year-old college sophomore who has wished for one thing since moving to Tokyo: to find her soulmate. Growing a bit desperate after a long drought, she goes along with a friend to a club for the first time. Her friend thrives, but it's chaotic and loud...just not Yuuki's scene. Just when Yuuki begins to despair that she'll ever find a real, adult relationship, she meets Iori, a man with bleached hair and a slightly scary demeanor...but first impressions don't always tell the whole story. Could destiny still have more cards to play?

November 27, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Irresistible Mistakes

After waking up in a hotel and having to rush to work before she finds out who she was there with, Komatsu realizes she has no memory of the night before. Not only that, but the company darling Tachibana has taken a sudden interest in her. Was he the one she was with that night? And if so, what happened between them...and where will they go from here?

November 27, 2024

Voltage Inc.


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Kei X Yaku: Bound By Law

Ichiro, an agent with the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Security Bureau, receives orders to make contact with and closely surveil Shiro, a yakuza hotshot whose bed partners include a considerable amount of influential male politicians. The mission takes an unexpected turn when they realize they've both been pursuing the same cold case: the disappearance of Rion Nakaba, Ichiro's senior and Shiro's sister. Determined to uncover the truth, the two secretly team up under the guise of lovers to try and pick up her trail…

November 27, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Love, That's an Understatement

Spare eraser? Check. Extra folding umbrella? Check. First aid kit? Check. Cool and collected high school student Risa Amakawa has something in her heavy bag for every situation, and the last thing she needs-or knows how to ask for-is anyone's help. When she saves a beat-up delinquent in the park one rainy evening, she refuses any sort of repayment. But it turns out that saving the notorious Zen Ohira buys her the attention of some unsavory characters. As Zen keeps swooping in to help her out of one pickle after another, her feelings about relying on anyone but herself-and her feelings toward Zen-slowly begin to change… A new romcom from the author of Lovesick Ellie!

November 27, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch: Aqua

Lukia Nanami is turning seventeen. Her family has just moved to a town by the sea, and on her first walk down to the beach, she saves a handsome surfer from drowning. The next day, she's shocked to discover he's not only a classmate at her new school, but has no idea who she is, and insists he was saved by a mermaid! A new chapter in the saga of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, from original artist Pink Hanamori!

November 27, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Pass the Monster Meat, Milady!

Like any proper noble lady, one must have certain acquired tastes. For Melphiera Marchalrayd, she just happens to crave a rather exotic protein-monsters! But do not judge! Despite its bad reputation, monster meat can be used in exquisite cuisine, and Melphiera is determined to change the kingdom's opinion of it! Unfortunately, since debuting in society, Melphiera has been struggling to find her perfect match…until she meets the fearless “Blood-Mad Duke” of Galbraith!

November 27, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Abe-kun's Got Me Now!

Akari couldn't think less of her school's karate champ, Abe-kun, despite him being the national champion. He's giant, uncouth, and couldn't be more different than her sweet angel and childhood friend, Takuto. But when Abe-kun injures his arm protecting her, she takes it upon herself to get him healed—after all, the school's pride is at stake—but finds the tables suddenly turned when he confesses to her! Now, she's the goal he's aiming for, and she'll soon find out how driven a national champion can be!

November 20, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Doing His Best to Confess

Natsuaki-kun is aloof, handsome, and popular with the ladies...except for his friends, who know his aloofness is because he's shy and always in his thoughts. Thoughts always occupied by his oddball classmate, Nashida-san...but try as he might, Natsuaki-kun can't ever seem to get up the courage to confess. Can he find a way to tell her how he feels?!

November 20, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Completed

Getting Closer to You

For Kaho, a man's muscles are all that matters. She's sports-agnostic, type-agnostic—all she cares about is that those abs, pecs, biceps, and delts look good. She thinks she's found her perfect Muscle Prince in Natsume-sempai... that is until he finds out what a muscle freak she is. But instead of ridiculing her, he suggests she becomes the basketball team manager—the one he just so happens to be on. For a muscle-lover like Kaho, there's nothing to lose...and everything to gain. By the author of Four Kisses, in Secret!

November 20, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Completed

In the Clear Moonlit Dusk

Yoi Takiguchi has long legs, a deep voice, and a handsome other words, Yoi is such a good-looking guy that most people don't notice or care that she is, in fact, a girl. Indeed, she's had the nickname "Prince" for as long as she can remember. That is, until she met Ichimura-senpai...the only person who really seemed to see her for herself. To her surprise, she's unsure how to handle this new relationship, especially when her newfound friend is a prince himself (and a guy prince). The story of the two high school princes starts here!

November 20, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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Manga Ongoing

Lightning and Romance

Sumire wants to experience romance...but will she get the chance when her new seatmate is a 20-year-old with swirling rumors surrounding him? A dangerous new romance from the author of Kiss Me at the Stroke of Midnight, Kira-kun Today, and Love’s Reach!

November 20, 2024


Kodansha Ltd.


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