Penguin & House
Pen to House
NESTING Pen the Penguin lives with his favorite keeper, Hayakawa the Human. But Pen’s no ordinary penguin... He’s a neat penguin! A proper penguin! A doting penguin! Pen dreams of Hayakawa’s smile as he flips pancakes and folds the laundry with his teeny-tiny flippers. If only his beloved Hayakawa would notice! It’s too bad Pen’s human keeper is a hopelessly lazy university student, but with a little nap and some helpful friends, Pen is ready to tackle the day!
IEDA Akiho
Kodansha Ltd.
Kodansha Ltd.
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Penguin & House
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Volume 1

June 19, 2024 Free Preview
Pen 1 The Penguin Grills Steak for His Owner / Pen 2 The Penguin Is Adored by His Owner's Friend / Pen 3 The Penguin Delivers Lunch for His Owner / Pen 4 The Penguin Cleans the Place for His Owner
Pen 1 The Penguin Grills Steak for His Owner / Pen 2 The Penguin Is Adored by His Owner's Friend / Pen 3 The Penguin Delivers Lunch for His Owner / Pen 4 The Penguin Cleans the Place for His Owner1ペン目 飼い主のためにステーキを焼くペンギン/2ペン目 飼い主の友達にやたら好かれるペンギン/3ペン目 飼い主のためにお弁当を届けるペンギン/4ペン目 飼い主のために部屋を掃除するペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 5 The Penguin Makes Okonomiyaki With His Owner's Friend / Pen 6 The Penguin Watches His Owner Study With a Friend / Pen 7 The Penguin Stops by a Baking Class / Pen 8 The Penguin Plays Ball Against His Owner
Pen 5 The Penguin Makes Okonomiyaki With His Owner's Friend / Pen 6 The Penguin Watches His Owner Study With a Friend / Pen 7 The Penguin Stops by a Baking Class / Pen 8 The Penguin Plays Ball Against His Owner5ペン目 飼い主の友達とお好み焼きを作るペンギン/6ペン目 飼い主と友達の勉強を見守るペンギン/7ペン目 お菓子作り教室に立ち寄るペンギン/8ペン目 飼い主と野球対決するペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 9 The Penguin Roasts a Chicken for Christmas / Pen 10 The Penguin Enjoys Christmas With His Owner and Friends / Pen 11 The Penguin Does a New Year's Shrine Visit With His Owner / Pen 12 The Penguin Saves a Girl Collapsed in the Street
Pen 9 The Penguin Roasts a Chicken for Christmas / Pen 10 The Penguin Enjoys Christmas With His Owner and Friends / Pen 11 The Penguin Does a New Year's Shrine Visit With His Owner / Pen 12 The Penguin Saves a Girl Collapsed in the Street9ペン目 クリスマスにローストチキンを作るペンギン/10ペン目 飼い主達とクリスマスを楽しむペンギン/11ペン目 飼い主と初詣に行くペンギン/12ペン目 行き倒れの少女を助けてあげるペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 13 The Penguin Gets Stalked by His Owner's Friend / Pen 14 The Penguin Knits a Sweater for His Owner / Bonus Penguins
Pen 13 The Penguin Gets Stalked by His Owner's Friend / Pen 14 The Penguin Knits a Sweater for His Owner / Bonus Penguins13ペン目 飼い主の友達にストーカーされるペンギン/14ペン目 飼い主のためにセーターを手編みするペンギン/おまけのペンギン
Volume 2

June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 15 The Penguin Goes Skiing With His Owner and Friends / Pen 16 The Penguin on Valentine's Day / Pen 17 The Penguin Makes Boba Tea With His Owner's Friend / Pen 18 The Penguin in the Morning
Pen 15 The Penguin Goes Skiing With His Owner and Friends / Pen 16 The Penguin on Valentine's Day / Pen 17 The Penguin Makes Boba Tea With His Owner's Friend / Pen 18 The Penguin in the Morning15ペン目 飼い主達とスキーに行くペンギン/16ペン目 バレンタインのペンギン/17ペン目 飼い主の友達とタピ作るペンギン/18ペン目 朝のペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 19 The Penguin Takes on an Eating Challenge With His Owner and Friends / Pen 20 The Penguin, His Owner, and a Lost Dog / Pen 21 The Penguin Goes Bowling With His Owner and Friends / Pen 22 The Penguin Has a Homemade Bento-Off at a Cherry Blossom Picni
Pen 19 The Penguin Takes on an Eating Challenge With His Owner and Friends / Pen 20 The Penguin, His Owner, and a Lost Dog / Pen 21 The Penguin Goes Bowling With His Owner and Friends / Pen 22 The Penguin Has a Homemade Bento-Off at a Cherry Blossom Picni19ペン目 飼い主達と大食いに挑戦するペンギン/20ペン目 飼い主と迷い犬とペンギン/21ペン目 飼い主達とボウリングをするペンギン/22ペン目 お花見で手作りお弁当対決するペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 23 The Penguin Works a Part-Time Job With His Owner / Pen 24 The Penguin Puts on Weight / Pen 25 The Penguin Goes Hiking With His Owner and Friends / Pen 26 The Penguin Starts Gardening on the Balcony
Pen 23 The Penguin Works a Part-Time Job With His Owner / Pen 24 The Penguin Puts on Weight / Pen 25 The Penguin Goes Hiking With His Owner and Friends / Pen 26 The Penguin Starts Gardening on the Balcony23ペン目 飼い主とバイトするペンギン/24ペン目 太るペンギン/25ペン目 飼い主達とハイキングに行くペンギン/26ペン目 ベランダ菜園を始めるペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 27 The Penguin Guts Mackerel / Pen 28 The Penguin Enters a Fashion Photo Contest in a Shopping Mall / Bad Pen / Pen's Evening Routine
Pen 27 The Penguin Guts Mackerel / Pen 28 The Penguin Enters a Fashion Photo Contest in a Shopping Mall / Bad Pen / Pen's Evening Routine27ペン目 アジを捌くペンギン/28ペン目 ショッピングモールでファッションフォトコンテストに参加するペンギン/悪ペン/ペンのナイトルーティーン
Volume 3

June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 29 The Penguin Entered a Fashion Photo Contest in a Shopping Mall / Pen 30 The Penguin Competes With His Owner at Making Pancakes / Pen 31 The Penguin Who Knows the Difference / Pen 32 The Penguin Stays at a Hot Spring Inn With His Owner and Friends
Pen 29 The Penguin Entered a Fashion Photo Contest in a Shopping Mall / Pen 30 The Penguin Competes With His Owner at Making Pancakes / Pen 31 The Penguin Who Knows the Difference / Pen 32 The Penguin Stays at a Hot Spring Inn With His Owner and Friends29ペン目 ショッピングモールでファッションフォトコンテストに参加したペンギン/30ペン目 飼い主とホットケーキ対決をするペンギン/31ペン目 違いがわかるペンギン/32ペン目 飼い主達と温泉旅館に泊まるペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 33 The Penguin Hangs Laundry / Pen 34 The Penguin Does Some DIY / Pen 35 The Penguin and a Chick in Midsummer / Pen 36 The Penguin Goes to an Aquarium With His Owner and Friend
Pen 33 The Penguin Hangs Laundry / Pen 34 The Penguin Does Some DIY / Pen 35 The Penguin and a Chick in Midsummer / Pen 36 The Penguin Goes to an Aquarium With His Owner and Friend33ペン目 洗濯物を干すペンギン/34ペン目 DIYするペンギン/35ペン目 真夏とひよことペンギン/36ペン目 飼い主達と水族館に行くペンギン
June 19, 2024 Buy or Rental
Pen 37 The Penguin Babysits / Pen 38 The Penguin Goes to the Vet / Pen 39 Run, Penguin! / Pen 40 The Penguin Listens to a Penguin Reminiscing
Pen 37 The Penguin Babysits / Pen 38 The Penguin Goes to the Vet / Pen 39 Run, Penguin! / Pen 40 The Penguin Listens to a Penguin Reminiscing37ペン目 赤ちゃんを預かるペンギン/38ペン目 動物病院に行くペンギン/39ペン目 走れペンギン/40ペン目 ペンギンの昔話を聞くペンギン
June 19, 2024 Final Chapter Buy or Rental
Pen 41 The Penguin Provides Hair Care / Pen 42 The Penguin Makes a Bento for His Owner / Bonus Penguins
Pen 41 The Penguin Provides Hair Care / Pen 42 The Penguin Makes a Bento for His Owner / Bonus Penguins41ペン目 ヘアケアするペンギン/42ペン目 飼い主のためにお弁当を作るペンギン/おまけのペンギン
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